The Slope Connecting To The Starry Sky

In the dusk, amid the wintry wind.

The shadow of the girl.

Suddenly, the prologue begins.


Before I could catch myself…

I ran out in a hurry...

With my freezing heart reaching its limits…


Shaking myself free…

Of the dark shadows that cling to me…

Time and time again…


Surrounded by unanswered prayers…

Of a season symbolic of <life> fading away…


This nightmare repeats itself...

With no awakening in sight...


I tried desperately to hold on








This long slope connecting to the starry sky…

Seemed like an eternity to me…


The steadfast tranquility of a rock…

Harbored since the <era> of gods...

I did think...of it as beautiful…but…


Ceaselessly…the morning dew disappears…

Only to turn into droplets that pierce even rocks…

I have never once...thought of that act as favorable…


I’ve lived in acceptance…

Never in resentment of anything...but…

I wasn’t able to stop myself…

From having this earnest wish…

So, holding it tightly in my grasp…

I run up…